25 Jul 2019

9 Things You Can Do For Better Rest

We live in a culture that’s go go go, always rushing around and trying to get so much packed into every day. A lot of people think if you aren’t busy, then you’re doing something wrong. That’s so stressful! Living that way for so long and being stressed can actually start to make you physically sick (crazy how our bodies work!) It’s so important for your physical and mental wellness to remember to take time for yourself and rest.


  1. Take a nap – naps are great and I really wish we could take them more often! A good 20-30min nap can help you feel so refreshed and ready to continue your day
  2. Do some yoga maybe find an easier video to follow instead of a more challenging one; Yoga With Adriene has incredible yoga videos on YouTube and she has a whole playlist of relaxing yoga sessions
  3. Read a book – getting immersed in a new world can be a great way to get your mind off your current struggles for a little while (I wrote up mini reviews on 12 different books I’ve read so far in 2019 if you’re looking for recommendations!)
  4. Take a walk – I’m usually not an outdoorsy person, but sometimes taking a walk when it’s nice outside feels so good! No music or other distractions, just be present and watch what’s going on around you.
  5. Watch a TV show without multitasking – this is a hard one for me! I always feel like when I’m watching TV, I should also be doing something else simultaneously. Find a show you like and watch it without doing anything else, and see how you feel!
  6. Say NO – no chores today, no work today, nothing! Take a few hours (or a whole day if you can) and just do the things you love to do without worrying about anything else
  7. Listen to music – this can be done on it’s own or while you’re doing other things too. Find some relaxing music to listen to that’ll help you relax and feel less stressed
  8. Drink tea – I never liked tea when I was younger, but I love it now! A cup of tea that’s your favorite flavor made just the way you like and the perfect temperature can really make your whole day better (my favorites are Chai and Earl Grey)
  9. Do nothing – When’s the last time you did nothing on purpose? Just lay in bed or on the couch and stare at the ceiling. Something so simple but I honestly couldn’t tell you the last time I purposely did nothing! Try it out and see how rested you feel afterwards

Nine different ways you can take some time and let your body and mind rest. Doing this every now and then can help you feel less stressed and actually be more productive throughout your day! What’s something you do that makes you feel more rested? I’d love for you to share it with me in the comments, or on my Instagram @sharanadarcel!