Over the last month, I’ve been asked multiple times for my opinion on what I think should be done when it comes to the Black Lives Matter movement, so here’s a nice little list for you to look back on even when #BlackLivesMatter isn’t trending.
For Non-Black People
Get educated: read books, watch movies, listen to podcasts – there’s PLENTY of resources just waiting for you to learn from them. We don’t expect you to magically know everything all of a sudden when these issues have never been on your radar before… but we also aren’t going to be cool with you sitting there still acting like you don’t know what’s going on. Look up one of the many lists that have been put together over the last month
Speak up: to family and/or friends, in public or in private; if you believe that Black Lives Matter, use your voice to amplify the cause. Teach something you’ve learned from that earlier research to other non-Black people – sometimes they won’t listen to a Black person but they’ll listen to you, so use your voice for good
Donate to local charities: many people have been arrested at protests and could use bail money, and there are small charities around the country helping those people. Find one local to you and donate money if you’ve got it (and maybe think about making it a monthly occurrence instead of a one time donation). That’s just one example of a cause that needs monetary donations; do some research on others and start putting your money where your mouth is
Contact local members of government: there are many rules and laws in place that are negatively affecting Black people and they need to change, but it won’t happen if the people in charge aren’t held accountable. Look up what your local government people have voted for in the past and where they stand on various issues, and start telling them to do their jobs and look out for EVERYONE that they represent. Oh, and vote for people who actually give a damn about Black people and our issues.
For Black People

Do something that makes you smile: Black joy is INCREDIBLY important to the movement! We as Black people shouldn’t only be appreciated and thought about when something negative is happening to us and our community. Just the fact that we’re out here being happy and living our best life is a form of protest on its own. It’s a giant middle finger to everyone who’s trying to hold us down, so go do something that brings you pure joy and share it with someone else – it might inspire them to do the same thing
Listen to your body: Do you need water? A nap? Some real food? When life gets stressful it’s very easy to ignore warning signs our body is trying to show us, but doing that could lead to something much worse down the road. Take a few minutes to stop and figure out what your body needs in that moment, and do it. The movement will be here when you get back
Hold your boundaries: Is someone trying to talk to you about a situation when you’re not mentally ready for it? Tell them now isn’t a good time, change the subject, or just walk away. Don’t let your mental health suffer because you’re trying to be nice to someone who just doesn’t get it. As the hosts from one of my favorite podcasts say, fuck politeness (#ssdgm) Stay true to you: There are different forms of activism, find the one that you can do and do it well. People are getting riled up and trying to say that if you aren’t out there doing this thing or that thing, then you aren’t doing it right. Don’t feel like you have to be out there protesting in the streets even though you’re an introvert who hates crowds. We also need the people behind the scenes making signs, passing out water bottles, checking in on others, etc. If that’s where you fit best, do that and don’t feel bad about it. You’re important and making a difference too.

Although I’ve split this list into For Black People and For Non-Black People, anyone can do tasks from either list. I’m not saying only Black people should rest or only non-Black people should donate money! We’re tired of doing all the work and no one listening, so here’s how true allies can step up and take some of the load off our backs while we take a much-needed rest in order to build up the energy to keep fighting.
Also, there are way more people educating and sharing resources right now that you should look up for more detailed information. That’s not my lane, so I’m not gonna sit here and pretend that it is – if you’re looking for specific resources, Google is your friend. This isn’t a moment, it’s a movement, and we’re just at the beginning. We’re gonna need energy down the road so we can’t get burned out this quickly. Do what you need to do, look out for yourself and others, and let’s keep doing the work ♡