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I called out of work one Thursday because I truly didn’t feel like going in. There was a lot we had to handle earlier that week, and I was just tired and needed a break, so I took a mental health day. I was feeling stressed but ok, and didn’t want to keep pushing through and let that feeling get worse, so I called out while I still felt ‘ok’ and was able to enjoy my day off.
It was a gorgeous day out and I wanted to get some sun on my skin, plus I had some jeans to return to Target, so I made the trip and drove around with the windows down.
Once I returned the jeans, I decided to stick around and shop the store for a bit instead of going straight home. $100 later, I felt pretty good. [NOTE: Spending money is 100% not necessary when you’re feeling down, but it can help if you do it responsibly]
Watch my IG Live Video showing what I bought, or scroll down to see pictures and shop these items for yourself!

๐ฐBaby Yoda t-shirt | ๐ฐSchitt’s Creek shirt | ๐ฐStitch ‘I Tried’ shirt | ๐ฐLavender ripped jeans | ๐ฐSnakeskin sneakers
The Baby Yoda & Stitch t-shirts were in the men’s department so I bought a small for each (side note- why do guys get all the cool shirts?!)
If you’re feeling stressed, listen to your body and take time off if you can. Try not to let it get to the point that you’re about to break down, but take the day earlier so you can rest and still enjoy the day. Retail therapy isn’t a sustainable form of self-care, but if you’ve got some extra cash and could use a pick me up, stop by Target (in person or online- be safe!) and see what cute stuff they’ve got! Even if it’s just a fun t-shirt, if it makes you happy, get it! You deserve it ๐