28 Nov 2020

Love Christmas Movies? Check Out This Podcast

On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like Christmas movies? You might call me a grinch, but I’m probably about a 3-4. I’m not a fan of the super cheesy movies that seem to all have the same plot. Instead of searching through the dozens of Christmas movies that come out each year in hopes of finding a good one, there’s a podcast I can listen to that does the work for me! (You know I’m always on the lookout for good podcasts to listen to ๐Ÿ™‚ )

Five Tree Christmas, hosted by my friend Ade Olayinka, is a seasonal podcast all about Christmas movies. Ade is a Christmas movie fanatic, and she watches and reviews them ALL! I know I can go to her podcast or Instagram (@fivetreechristmas), learn the plot of a movie and what she thinks about it, and know if it’s one I might like – which saves me a ton of guesswork!

Ade occasionally features guests on her show, and Episode 202 of Five Tree Christmas features me! We recorded a little before Halloween, and tweaked the conversation to talk about my favorite Halloween movie instead of Christmas movies. I had so much fun talking with her and sharing my story about how true crime got me interested in forensic science, my favorite holiday, and the best part about the Christmas season!

If you’d like to listen to my guest episode of Five Tree Christmas, check it out below:

Be sure to subscribe to her show and check out @fivetreechristmas on Instagram for all of Ade’s Christmas movie reviews!