10 Aug 2021

OOO Polish Kintampo Collection – Nail Swatches and Demo

Black-owned nail brand OOO Polish recently released their latest collection: the Kintampo Collection. I purchased minis of each color, so are some pictures and a video of what each color looks like!

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Kintampo Collection Info

According to the OOO Polish website, “This collection is named after the Kintampo Complex established sometime between 2500-1400 BCE, this society was located in what is now parts of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire.”

Each traditional color sold at OOO Polish comes in two size options: 8mL mini for $6 or 15mL full size for $11.

[RELATED POST: Nail Polish from Black Female Owned Brand: OOO Polish]

OOO Polish Swatches

Kintampo – super soft pink color-shifting glitter

Bono – color shifting blue-green 

Daboya – bright solid green

OOO Polish Kintampo Collection Video

[RELATED POST: (More) Nail Swatches from OOO Polish]


Shop for your favorites from this collection here (affiliate link used – save 10% when you shop using my link)