All posts in: Science

Self-Care in Forensics Article

Look Mom, I’m in a magazine! The wonderful Antoinette Campbell interviewed me for her Women in Forensics column in Forensic Mag, and my interview is now live! You can read it at the link below. Thank you again for the interview Toni!

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Advancing as a Forensic Scientist

I work full time as a forensic scientist, and it’s a dream job for the girl who’s loved true crime and CSI since I was like 11 years old. I love what I do as a forensic toxicology analyst, but I want to move further up in my career. As an analyst, I do the…

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Self-Care Tips That Got Me Through Grad School

Featured Image by from Pexels Part 2 in my Self-Care in STEM series is all about the self-care techniques that helped me get through grad school. (Part 1 was on my self-care in undergrad & my first job out of college – read Part 1 here) Grad School After working at my first job for 3 years,…

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